Check out our one minute introduction video


Are you are concerned about the direction AI is taking and the latest research findings?
Do you want to be part of the SOLUTION not the PROBLEM?
Would you like to be empowered to influence your leaders and decision makers for more ethical and human solutions?
Are you an AI consumer keen to be better informed and learn how can you influence your government authorities and industry players?

The Mindful AI Manifesto is a work-in-progress. Join us as we explore what a written ‘Mindful AI Manifesto’ could include.

Introducing Humanity into AI

The Mindful AI Manifesto advocates for human values in AI. We embrace the potential of AI, but believe that in order to fulfil its transformative potential in a positive way, artificial intelligence must have humanity’s best interests at heart.
The Mindful AI Manifesto welcomes those who create and work with AI, and those who consume it. We are a movement for humans who:
are concerned about the direction AI is taking
want to be better informed
are interested in influencing leaders, decision makers, government authorities and industry players
The Mindful AI Manifesto is being created by humans who want to be part of the solution, not the problem – before it’s too late!

The Challenge

AI sophistication and complexity is growing at an exponential rate – while its regulation and governance are falling behind.
Ethics in AI is becoming a mainstream conversation, but frameworks and agreements fall short of describing how particular solutions should adhere to them. Inspired by: Deloitte, A Moral License for AI
Machines are already capable of making decisions within a black box using highly complex mathematical models beyond their own human developer’s comprehension (Deep Mind). Will design and design methodologies be enough to ensure AI itself makes the ethical decision? Inspired by: Human Compatible, Stuart Russell, and Deloitte, A Moral License for AI
In many public and private organisations, tech leaders including CIOs and CTOs are oblivious to the risk ungoverned AI can pose to humanity in the not-too-distant future. Inspired by: Shalini Kantayya, Coded Bias.
There are still too few implementable recommendations from government agencies to govern and manage AI and establish best practices. Inspired by: Stuart Russell, Human Compatible.

“Many of our technology problems arise because of the unforeseen consequences when apparently benign technologies are employed on a massive scale. Hence, many technical applications that seemed a boon to mankind when first introduced became threats when their use became widespread.” Kranzberg, ‘Technology and history: ‘Kranzberg’s Laws.’

The Manifesto

If you work in the AI field, you are able to effect real change in your immediate circle of control and wider circle of influence. We invite you to reflect on the following questions and start a dialogue within your community.
What foundational work could you and your team do within your circle of authority?
How could you and your team influence decision-makers and minimise the risks (e.g. bias) posed by the algorithms we write or manage?
What support or skills do you need to feel more empowered and become a change agent in your industry?

Who Are We?

The Mindful AI Manifesto movement is on a mission to make AI more human in every country of the world!
Our Values: Integrity, Courage and Knowledge
Our Vision: AI is human-compatible and aligned with human universal values.
Our Purpose: We believe AI must have humanity’s best interests at heart in order to secure a safe and peaceful world.

Global Presence

Join The Mindful AI Manifesto movement. We are on a mission to make AI more Human in every country of the world!

Nathalie Heynderickx


Andrew Smith


Simon Earl


Nazareen Ebrahim

South Africa

Soph Kostava


Sami Mäkeläinen


Shaila Pervin


Kerry Chu



Are you are concerned about the direction AI is taking and the latest research findings?
Do you want to be part of the SOLUTION not the PROBLEM?
Would you like to be empowered to influence your leaders and decision makers for more ethical and human solutions?
Are you an AI consumer keen to be better informed and learn how can you influence your government authorities and industry players?

You Are Not Alone! Join Us.

The Mindful AI Manifesto is a work-in-progress. Join us as we explore what a written ‘Mindful AI Manifesto’ could include.

Supporters & Partners (TBC)

Our Initiatives

#1 – Creating bite-sized and accessible information for AI consumers through our blog, events and news. Our aim is to translate technical jargon and key research findings to democratise the AI conversation and allow everyone to participate.
#2 – Producing The Mindful AI Manifesto. Mindful AI professionals will come together to write a manifesto that includes our understanding, agreed guidelines and best practices around ethics and human values.
#3 – Hosting The Mindful AI Manifesto Discussion Forum, which offers a space for mindful AI professionals to regularly re-connect, re-assess and evolve the Manifesto as new technical and non-technical challenges arise.
#4 – Encouraging mindfulness coaching and leadership development for AI professionals. Scientific research shows that mindfulness training has a significant impact on improving ethical decision making and reducing unconscious bias.

Universal Human Values Map

Is it possible to advocate for universal human values within all AI, regardless of the diversity of nations, geographies, religions, or political systems? Yes! Research has shown that human beings share a series of values that cut through these differences.
The Mindful AI Manifesto is inspired by the work of Peterson and Seligman (2004), who complied a list of 24 positive traits in human beings that transcend cultural barriers. These were distilled from the research of 55 distinguished scientists over several years. To date, hundreds of peer-reviewed articles have been published across many cultures and over 11 million surveys have been taken around the world.
To learn more, visit the VIA Institute on Character.

Next Steps

Join the movement and sign up on this website now!
Submit your ideas for the Manifesto in writing using the form below, or at one of our upcoming events
Check back on our website for the latest news and events


Community Launch meeting.
7th of November 2024 SAVE THE DATE!
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